desup6's website

Hello, Internet! This is my website. My nickname is desup6 and that's the only unique thing I have here on the Web.

I like...

autistic music (so-called breakcore and lolicore)

fumos (I have bootleg Cirno, Lily Black and Koishi)

several anime-girls

russian imageboard culture

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games and book series

programming (I also hate it)

and MOSTLY attention to my shitty person

How to contact me?

First and main way is contacting me via Telegram. By the way I have a blog there (fumo photos included!)

Yup, I know Telegram has privacy issues. That's why crypto-schizos can use No PGP cause I am too lazy to set it up.

Cool links

Here I will share cool places I found scrolling the web:

If you want your cool site to be here - contact me!